Monday 4 March 2013

Production Meeting

In class, we had a meeting in which we could discuss each other's productions and what we had left to do. We made a list of what we still needed to complete for our coursework.

During this meeting, I thought of some more ideas that I could use in my film. For example,  to show that my main character is a journalist, I will take an establishing shot of a news shop in town called 'The News', this is a good idea because I was unsure of how I could show the audience who the characters are supposed to be.

I already have a good idea of what I want my characters to wear (blazers, shirts etc), however I need to check that my actors have these clothes available to them, otherwise I will have to provide them myself.

I need to ensure that my character of the struggling journalist looks tired,  I will use make up to get this effect- brown eye shadow under the eyes to make them look baggy.

I also need to create a storyboard for my film with all the shot types so when I come to filming I will not be stuck or confused.

And lastly, I need to make sure I have all of my props together for when I film. I need to print off my newspaper in the size of A3. I will also will need to bring in some things from homes to create the feel of an office, such as a desk lamp, post it notes, folders and paper work and a coffee mug (again to suggest that my journalist is feeling tired)

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