Sunday 28 April 2013

Editing Process

My filming has now finally been successfully completed and I have now reached the editing process of my task. I have Premier Pro CS6 downloaded onto my computer and home which gives me the chance to edit at all times with no problem. I am finding that my clips are so far creating a seamless flow of action.

I have a plan of how I am going to edit together my sequences, I will be creating a montage in which will show time passing as my character is 'looking for a story.' I will do this by cross dissolving the shots of a clock.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Location Change

I have experienced some problems with filming, including when I can film and where I can do it. I have also had issues with my actors not being available when I wish to film. Due to these problems, I have decided that for my benefit it would be much easier to film at home where I am guaranteed to have a place to film. Also, I will be acting in my film so I can definitely film when I'd like to.

I will be using a bedroom in my house, and in order to make it look more like an office I will clear out anything you wouldn't find in an office; e.g. drawers etc which will not be a problem. I need to make sure everything I use in the mise-en-scene is relevant to an office scenario. 

I will need:
To move a table into the room to use as a desk
A laptop 
Pieces of paper scattered around the table
Pens/Pencils etc

I have successfully rented out all of the equipment I need from the media department and all of my equipment at home is ready to go for me to film over the weekend.