Wednesday 16 January 2013

Key Scenes

For our chosen story line, we firstly had to develop six scenes that would potentially take place somewhere in our film, whether it be at the start, middle or end of the film. I had decided to go with my story of the Journalist looking for a story who heads to an abandoned, haunted factory. The six scenes I came up with were:

1- Journalist Edward Taylor is at home/at work with friends/colleagues discussing how he can't find a good story. Feeling the pressure to find a brilliant story because of a bad article he had written in the past where he didn't check facts.

2- Edward's friends join him for a glass of wine one evening and one recommends an old abandoned factory to investigate as there are rumours and unanswered questions about it.

3- Edward is at home researching the factory on his computer and discovers its 'haunted' and that people who used to work there have mysteriously disappeared.

4- Edward is feeling sceptical but decides to take a visit to the factory, he doesn't believe in the paranormal so he's convinced it will be a waste of time.

5- Edward spends an hour or so in the factory, and takes photos of different areas inside. He decides there's no story here, like he thought, and leaves.

6- Edward is sat at home looking through his camera flow of pictures he had taken at factory. One catches his attention- there's a face in the background. Edward realises that maybe he was wrong about the paranormal.

After we had put these scenes together, we had to decide on what scene we should use as our opening scene. I feel I could link the first two scenes into one and include Edward talking about his bad article that was very wrong and that accused people of things they didn't do.

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